I’ve just had one of the most scariest experiences ever.I just went downstairs to find that cat asleep on the settee again, I told him to leave but because I’m not fluent in cat language he just looked at me and meowed. I tried picking him up, but as you can probably tell by the photos he’s a very big cat. As I tried lifting him he somehow rolled back and rolled off the settee backwards onto the floor landing on his head in a kind of ‘S’ shape.…he lay there not moving.I ran into the kitchen panicking, I didn’t know what to do, there was a cat lying on the floor that I killed, wait a second…I’VE KILLED SOMEONE ELSE’S CAT!!!!I could go to jail for this! Maybe if I said I found him like that maybe I’ll just get a fine or something. I could go out and when I get back I could act all shocked, yeah, that’s a good idea…I’ll just get my shoes.I started doing up my shoes as fast as I could, my alibi was sorted, all I had to do was leave the scene of the crime. As I went to do up my other shoe that cat was playing with the laces, I pulled them away still in a panic about doing them up in time before anyone got home and found…wait…That cat was playing with my shoe laces…but…he’s not dead.He was half asleep when he rolled back, he must have landed and gone straight back to sleep.I felt so relieved as he got up and walked off into the kitchen, only to throw up all over the kitchen floor.…gross!
Back Door Intruder...
Don’t you just hate it when someone turns up uninvited?
For the past few weeks we keep having this cat come into our house, it’ll come in through the cat flap, eat all my cats’ dinner then meow round for some more.On Friday night just before I went to bed I went into the lounge to find this cat asleep on the settee, I tried to pick him up and put him outside but he was huge. He was like a horse-cat!
I put him outside and locked the cat flap, it was pretty cold outside and when I finally got to bed I kept worrying about that cat, what if it had nowhere to go and was outside all night?Yesterday he turned up again, I was hoping he’d find someone else’s settee to sleep on, and another cat’s dinner to eat, but there he was sat next to some empty cat dishes. At this point I was beyond caring so I put him at the bottom of the garden and dropped a few cat biscuits to keep him distracted while I ran back inside.
I thought that was the last we’d see of him, but once again just before I went to bed there he was on the settee again…purring! This time he looked twice the size he did before, and was twice as heavy. After locking him outside he then continued to stare through the cat flap at me hoping that I’d have a change of heart and let him back in…no chance!
…but he looked so cold.
…nope he’s staying out…I mean it!
Today I was in the kitchen taking a pizza out of the oven, I turned around and there he was again, I told him to go away but he went and sat on the chair by one of my cats, he looked about 3 times her size in comparison, my cat just looks at him and he runs out scared…how the hell does that work?…Has anyone else noticed that Will Young seems to be getting gayer?
…Ok, maybe she got it a bit wrong and I didn’t pass after all. I’ll get back to this in a minute.
The past couple of weeks have been spent either sleeping or looking for work (for a change). Working at Cleanaway has made me realize something…
I never really noticed until I’d finished there really, I’d normally drink one cup of coffee a day, but there they were making me coffee before I could even finish the cup I was drinking, I think one day I had about 10 cups.
When I went back to my normal amount afterwards I could tell the difference, I could barely keep awake. One night I slept until about 1 in the afternoon. I’m starting to get better now though, if I want to start work again soon I’m going to have to get up early…and drink water instead of coffee.
The other Thursday I went to get my hair cut, it had got to the point where I’d be waking up with it in my mouth and to be honest it didn’t taste good, all I wanted was an inch off and it thinned out a bit. When I got to get it cut I got the same things that anyone who cuts my hair says:
“Long styles are really popular at the moment for men.”
“You have a lot of hair.”
“Did you know your hair’s curly at the back?”
I felt like asking if she passed any of her GCSE’s but decided not to piss off someone holding scissors 2 inches away from my face. She said she was going to put layers into it to…blah…blah, I wasn’t listening really, I was half asleep and dying for a coffee so she started cutting.
One thing I always notice about hairdressers is how they talk about whatever programmes are being shown on ITV at the moment, she asked me if I had been watching Ant and Dec and who I thought would win X-Factor, I couldn’t care less to be honest so I told her I hadn’t seen it. Then I heard one of the things you should never hear when you have your hair cut:
“This is going to look just like the hair of that one from Coronation Street.”
I asked her which one but she couldn’t remember his name, I tried to think who was in Coronation Street, all I could think of was Tyrone and Kirk which didn’t fill me with much confidence, I watched her cut about 3 inches off.
I couldn’t watch the rest, I stared at some shampoo bottles while she was cutting. Afterwards I went home and had a look, I then knew who she meant, it must have been Ken Barlow.
I decided to go to the job centre again to take my mind off my hair, so after a quick cup of coffee I headed off to the bus stop, I was going to go into Solihull but soon changed my mind in case anyone saw my hair.
I got the 69 bus into Kings Heath, but it broke down by Trittiford park so I had to wait on a broken down bus for 20 minutes while another one came. By the time I got into Kings Heath I wasn’t in the best of moods, it seemed like one of those days and these things happen in threes so I just knew something would happen to complete the trilogy.
Sure enough, when I walked into the job centre I walked up to a computer to check the jobs and it had a blank screen, I walked up to another to find that one was dead too, I asked someone who worked there and he said that all the computers were down and that I could wait for them to fix them, when I asked how long he said an hour so I left and came back home, after another coffee I fell asleep.
Last Monday was bonfire night, well it wasn’t but we had fireworks round Gaz’s house anyway. Gaz picked me, my mum and my sister up and we headed to his house, Jenny was already in the car because I think she lives not far from me.
When we got to Gaz’s house his mum and sister were there with Kieran (Selena’s boyfriend), we all sat down and watched the soaps for a while, Ken Barlow came on screen but luckily nobody said anything.
After a few minutes Daniel turned up, this was the first time I’d seen him in about 2 years, then after a few more minutes Adam turned up, this was the first time I’d seen him in about a week.
After a quick bite to eat we all sat in the garden for the fireworks, there were plenty of rockets and some huge nuclear warheads which said something about Iraq on them
I took lots of lovely photos and then we all went inside in the warm where we watched Broken News which was really funny. After a while though we all headed off home, I got in and watched the top 50 magic tricks which was presented by Adam and Joe, so I took photos of that too.
My wages from Cleanaway still haven’t been paid in, its getting quite annoying now because I could have gone to the fancy dress party at Flares with Adam, Gaz, and all the others but judging by Adam and Gaz’s blogs I wouldn’t have had enough for the taxi let alone the night out, I even had a school girl costume for it too.
This morning I spoke to Larrie (my tutor from college), he told me that he thinks I should go back to college and finish off what I hadn’t done, the trouble is I don’t really want to go back, I found college way too stressful and couldn’t afford it all. If I do go back it would be after Christmas and only for a few months so I guess I could work up until then and possibly have a part time job while I’m at college depending on how busy I am.
I don’t know what to do, what does everyone else think?