She Waters Down The Rain When I Get Home...
Well it’s now May, which means…er…not a lot really. It’s time for me to blog again so this will require me to think back a few days.
Ah yes, last Friday. Now anyone who’s been to my house recently would have noticed something missing in the lounge, some time ago my mum had the idea to get all the rough cast off the ceiling for when we have it decorated, however some of it wouldn’t come off so she left it…for a year. Only recently have we decided to finally get it done, only problem is we need to get the rest of the rough cast off first. Last Friday we decided to give it ago and it took all day, it certainly wasn’t easy and at the end of the day it looked no different, so we’d need to finish it off on the Saturday.
Saturday came and I couldn’t bare to strip any more rough cast off so I sat in the garden so I wouldn’t have to think about it. Only problem was the garden needed doing too, we had weeds everywhere and in all honesty it looked a bit of an embarrassment. After a while I got one side of the garden done and decided to get the mower out of the shed and do the lawn, unfortunately my family aren’t the most organized family in the world and the lawn mower was buried, so I spent the rest of the day clearing the shed out just so we could get to stuff easier.
By Sunday I was knackered and decided to put my feet up, in the evening I watched Nacho Libre and poured myself a couple of glasses of Jim Beam and coke, when the film finished I stood up and staggered across the room and looked at the bottle of Jim Beam with 3 quarters of the bottle missing, maybe I misjudged the measurements a little.
Monday morning I woke up with the first hangover I’d had in over a year, it always makes me wonder why people drink to get drunk, it’s not worth having to spend an entire day paying for the night before.
The next day was really warm and sunny so in the evening I went with Adam and Gaz to the drum and monkey, we sat in the beer garden and promptly froze our asses off, luckily it was nice and warm back inside so we went back in. As we sat down Marcus rang us to say he was in the packhorse if we fancied joining him, so without hesitation we all jumped in the car and met him and Jenny and co for a few drinks.
Nothing much happened for the rest of the week, my aunt came round on Thursday night, we were all talking about that massive cat that used to come into our house, I decided I’d tell her about the time it was sick…
“This one evening it came in and threw up everywhere, there was loads of it as if an adult had done it…”
“That’s disgusting!…What colour was it?”
“Um…it was just chunks of cat food really…”
The next thing I knew my aunt was creased up laughing, eventually I realized that she meant the colour of the cat…not the sick and I was soon in tears with laughter, I guess you had to be there really.
Yesterday morning I received a text off Adam saying about going to see Spiderman 3 that night in Solihull, I decided to come along, the only problem is not only I dislike Solihull enough as it is…Solihull of a Friday evening is my idea of hell.
When me and Gaz got into Solihull we were told to meet Adam in the barley mow because he was having some drinks for somebody’s leaving do and we had an hour to kill. When we went to walk into the pub though a bouncer stopped me in my tracks and said…
“Sorry mate, no trainers.”
“Huh?…Why not?”
“Dress code mate.”
“What do you mean dress code?!…This is a PUB!”
“Dress code after 8pm mate.”
I looked at the time…8:30…is Solihull really so pretentious that it has to enforce a dress code for people to go to a pub? We had an hour to kill, what were we meant to do? Sit in McDonalds? Do they have a dress code too? I was furious, I refused to be turned away from a pub for wearing trainers. Gaz jokingly said that I should take my trainers off and walk in…he didn’t expect I’d do it. I strolled up to the door again, this time with my trainers in my hand…
“Look mate, I told you we have a dress code!”
“Yeah, no trainers…”
“We can’t let you in.”
“I don’t see this dress code written down anywhere, unless you can show me this dress code I’m making a complaint.”
At this point the bouncer opened the door to tap an A4 piece of paper stuck on the inside of the door saying about this dress code, the manager was stood there and said I can go in.
I find this absolutely stupid, it’s not as if the barley mow is some high class trendy bar…it’s a pub, it doesn’t undergo some amazing transformation once it turns 8, they just turn the volume and the price of the drinks up. I’m still going ahead with this complaint.
Anyway the film was alright, nothing terribly amazing really. I was never a big fan of the first 2 Spiderman films, the only different thing about this one was the fact that it lasted about an hour longer.
Anyway, I have more gardening to do now so here’s a video for you until next time…
Mayhem of the Mooninites
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…We smoke as we shoot the bird!
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