Wave Goodbye To What You Were, The Rules Have Changed, The Lines Begin To Blur...
Two weeks without updating, which means one of 2 things - either I’ve been too busy to write anything, or too lazy. Fortunately I’ve been busy with stuff, there is lots to cover so hopefully you’ll understand the lateness as you read on.
Going back 2 weeks, to Sunday the 27th of May. It was the day before Marcus’ birthday and we needed to celebrate it somehow, so me, Gaz, Carl, Marcus and Jenny decided to all go up Jongleurs comedy club on broad street, I can’t for the life of me remember any of the comedians that were on that night but they were all good. Although I do have one problem with most stand up comedians - half the jokes are always about their genitals, it does start to get a bit uncomfortable after a while when the 4th bloke in a row gets on stage and starts telling you about his penis.
After all the comedy was over we decided to all go for a drink in the bar downstairs, however this was the very reason I hate broad street - it was full of people posing and doing stupid shaky ass moves to RnB music. After 20 minutes of standing round looking a bit out of place we decided to get some food and try somewhere else…somewhere we’d at least recognise a few of the songs.
We crossed the road and went to Reflex (after Gaz had finished trying to eat his fajita), now this was my first ever time in Reflex and to be honest it was much better than I’d ever expected it to be. We all had a really good night and they even played ‘I Think We’re Alone Now’ by Tiffany which was the highlight of my night, I love that song and whenever I hear it I have to dance like a fool…unfortunately I think Gaz already knew that because I looked up to see him filming…
…Ok, you can’t see me dancing there, but I can assure you that you’re witnessing the rare event of me dancing.
The next day was bank holiday Monday, my voice was almost non-existent and my wallet was lighter than my feet during a Tiffany song. I needed to do something, but it had to be cheap. I rang Gaz and he was about to go over to Selena and Kieron’s new house with Carl so I put my shoes on and joined them.
This was the first time I’d seen their new house and it was really nice. The Xbox 360 was set up to their massive HDTV and we played a bit of Halo 3 and WarioWare until it got late and we had to leave…but then I remembered that it was half term which meant that nobody had anywhere to be the next day, so we set my Xbox 360 up and played on Guitar Hero 2 until about 2am.
The next day was my sister’s 22nd birthday, we didn’t do much because my dad was coming up at the weekend. Dean came over in the evening with some flowers despite my sister still ignoring all his calls and him phoning about 30 times a day…but more on that later.
On Wednesday I went to Carl’s house with Gaz for a bit of WarioWare, we discovered a game on there called Bungee Buddies which involves 2 people stood side by side jumping when they come to obstacles, you have to jump to make your character jump. As me and Carl were doing this one level I thought to myself how stupid we must look, only to look up and see Gaz filming again…
…it makes me laugh how the sound effects are timed nicely with us jumping.
Thursday and Friday were spent making the garden look slightly more presentable, I hadn’t mowed the lawn properly in over a month due to me being ill and the stupid amount of rain we’d had, it wasn’t easy to cut but I managed it just about.
Friday evening was spent round Selena and Kieron’s house again for some Halo 3 time, we could have stayed up playing it all night but I had to be back for about 1am because my dad was coming round the next day.
If you’re reading this now and you’re thinking about how uneventful the past fortnight has been so far then it’s all about to change…
Saturday morning my dad comes round, we decided to all go to the plough for a meal, my nan came along too which was good because she’s always a good laugh. I looked at the menu and was torn between the minted lamb steaks and the mixed grill, eventually I went for the mixed grill.
When it arrived I was tucking into the steak when suddenly…*crunch*…that’s not a good noise to hear when eating steak, however I battled on and finished the meal. When I got home I noticed that my back tooth didn’t feel right, I knew it was slightly decayed but I decided I’d see how it felt the next day…
…Sunday came and I was in agony, I knew something didn’t feel right, my tooth felt twisted and it made my whole face ache like when I had neuralgia a couple of years ago. I spent the majority of Sunday and Monday in bed hoping it would pass.
Monday evening my sister got home from work, she was without Dean for once. I came downstairs to say hello and she was sat there in silence with my mum, I could tell something had happened.
Dean had turned up where my sister works with a knife in his pocket, my sister made him leave and said she’ll meet him later. After work she comes out to see him being forced to the ground by 2 police officers, he had the knife in his hand, she said there were police dogs and about 6 police cars, they arrested him and told her that if she wanted to get in touch he’ll be at Belgrave Road police station.
We were all shocked by this, my sister was upset but said she wanted nothing more to do with him. Just by weird coincidence though, seconds after she told us about all this the fuse for the lights blew in the fuse box.
My mum started stressing then and my tooth was feeling worse, I needed to get out of the house and luckily Gaz turned up so we went over to Carl’s house for a bit more WarioWare. While we were there though my tooth was killing me, I remember being sat there in agony, I had to do something about it quick.
Tuesday morning I got up and made an appointment at the dentist, the fuse needed changing but it could wait, this tooth was more important. When I got there I had to fill in a questionnaire thingy before being called in, I sat down in the dentist’s chair, the dentist was this camp Greek guy…
“So when did you last make a dentist visit?”
“Er…about 10 years ago…”
“Naughty naughty man…now open wide for me…”
He told me that my tooth was broken and was also decayed, he took an x-ray of it and booked me in for a filling on Thursday. He also told me that my teeth were in perfect condition, which is good seeing as I hadn’t been to the dentist in a decade.
While I was waiting for the bus back home I kept having my view of the bus obscured by my hair, this was starting to piss me off a little so I decided to get it cut that afternoon, but first I had to check out the new Subway that has opened by me. Although what is better than having your favourite sandwich place open right by your house?…HAVING A MIDGET WORK THERE!!!
I was over the moon, my tooth hurt like hell but I didn’t care any more. I got home, ate my sandwich and then went out again to have my hair cut, it looks so much better now it’s been done, I can see again and no longer look like cousin It from the Addams family. Now I could see again I could fix that fuse too.
That evening my sister got back from work along with Dean, he told us that there was a misunderstanding and that the knife was in a box inside a bag and that it was for cutting his aunt’s lino, I’m not sure if I believe him. Later on me and Carl went round Gaz’s house, instead of playing Halo 3 we thought we’d be a bit retro and play Halo 2, it’s still a great game even if it is a few years old now.
Wednesday was spent mainly taking paracetamol and looking forward to my filling the next day. I never thought I’d see the day I’d be looking forward to getting a filling.
Thursday morning I got up bright and early ready for my filling, I went over to the dentist and was told to go up to waiting room 4, when I got there I stupidly sat in the chair that was under the low sloped ceiling, before I had change to change seats the dentist called me in. It was the same dentist as Tuesday, I didn’t mind as long as the tooth got filled. I sat down to be told the bad news…
The x-ray shows that the tooth was decayed down to the nerve and therefore the nerve was dead, which means that the tooth had to come out, at this point I was beyond caring and told him to take it out. The trouble with this was that this was a tooth at the very back…
After getting a few injections the dentist pulled out a screwdriver type thing and tried making it loose, I couldn’t see what he was doing but I know he was twisting something and I could really feel it. After a few more injections and about 20 minutes of twisting the dentist told me to stop biting his hand and then reached for the pliers, the tooth wouldn’t budge but eventually I saw him pull this bloody piece of bone out of my mouth, his exact words were “Oh my god! You’ve given birth…to a monster!”. He showed me the tooth, it was a lot bigger than expected. In fact if you’re squeamish or just a little wuss you might like to look away…

So now my mouth is swollen and I can’t eat solid foods, but on the other hand I don’t have a broken decaying tooth causing me problems anymore.
Anyway before I finish this blog I’d just like to say a massive congratulations to Gemma and Woody who got engaged on Thursday!
I’ll leave you until next time with a song from Mulligan and O’Hare…
…That didn’t stop us from trying!
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