So, Baby, Listen Carefully, While I Sing My Comeback Song...
So yeah…
How long has it been?…4?…5 months?…
Maybe it’s about time I updated this before it gets forgotten about altogether. In time I’ll give the blog a new look so that I give myself reason to keep updating, and I know I’ve backdated this but I’m going to try and update you on the past few months, obviously I won’t be able to talk about every single day because that would be stupid, but I’ll try my best to summarize each month.
So let us carry on where I left off…let’s go back a couple of weeks…ok months, back in July things were getting a bit weird with my sister and Dean. I saw them sat at the side of the Co-op mid-July, my sister had her head in her hands, something wasn’t right, not only that but every time Dean rang - my sister either told us not to answer it or unplugged the phone…bad idea…that’s the one thing you don’t do to an already paranoid cage-fighting weirdo and sure enough he turned up at our house uninvited.
After talking to my sister on the step for half an hour, he came in and demanded a cup of tea from my mum, I introduced him to Amanda while he sat there with the same old stupid cocky look on his face as he slurped his tea.
Later on that day (after demanding a cup of tea from me this time) a taxi pulled up outside for Dean, I was cooking my dinner at the time so I wasn’t paying much attention but I realised that after 15 minutes the taxi was still waiting. I went to see if everything was ok and my sister told me that the taxi was trying to rip Dean off so I told her to cancel that taxi and call another taxi firm. Half an hour later the taxi came and Dean was gone.
It was only the next day that I find out what really happened…
My sister wanted to get to bed so that she could be up the next morning for work, however, Dean was lying across her bed refusing to let her sleep saying that he felt ill, she phoned my mum in tears because it was getting late and he wouldn’t move, she then phoned a taxi to take Dean home but the reason that it was waiting for so long was because Dean refused to move. But that’s not all…
Dean phoned the next morning to apologise, he spoke to my mum because my sister was at work. My mum told him that he isn’t to ever come here again, but again he said that he wanted to apologise…not because of him acting like a total idiot…but because he was sick all up our entry and outside the front of our house. The next day my sister put all his things in a bag and finished with him. At least that was the last we saw of him…or was it…?

The night was polished off by a helium fuelled sing along, if we’d taken in any more helium we’d be floating home.
Moving on to August now and the weather was slightly crappy, it was more like November than August, you were lucky if you had a day without a Gloucestershire town being submerged with all the flooding. Sunny days were few and far between so it was a case of making the most of one whenever the sun came out.
Luckily enough there was a Saturday in August when it was nice enough for a barbeque, we were invited over to Carl’s house for some char-grilled fun, this was a good opportunity to introduce Amanda to all my friends that weren’t at Gemma and Woody’s party. The day itself was good fun and it was rounded off (as always) with some Guitar Hero and Wii action. Afterwards we all sat round to watch Pan’s Labyrinth, it’s got to be one of the weirdest films I’ve ever seen, I thought it would be mainly aimed at kids but if I had kids I’d never let them watch it…which makes it a good film.
The next weekend saw a few hours without rain, what better way to spend the day than to go to the maize maze in Earlswood, what made it even more of a challenge was to get out before the rain started again.
We entered the maze a bit too confident of ourselves…until we realized that we really didn’t have a clue where we were going. After a few hours of getting lost and losing the will to live we ended up splitting into 3 groups (partly down to the lack of cooperation, and partly down to Jenny wanting to get out so she can have a cigarette).
Adam and Jenny were the first out with their ‘sod the rules and climb through the maize’ strategy, then it was Gaz, Carl and Marcus with their ‘finish the maze by the rules even if it takes 4 hours’ tactic, and then it was me and Amanda with our ‘sit on the bridge and try and follow somebody who knows where they’re going’ strategy.
Well that’s August nearly done, there’s still a bit more to cover but I’ll leave that for another day…
…some time in the next 6 months
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