Friday, May 27, 2005

The Heat Is On…

It’s getting to that point of my course now when we’ve realized we only have a couple of weeks left to get everything done so we’re all crapping ourselves because we don’t have enough work.

It’s been ages since my last blog and even that was rather brief, not that much has happened really, lots of doing coursework and that’s about it.

To be honest I’ve hardly been out much, been to the pub a couple of times with the usual crowd. I went to the masons last week with people from college, we sat with Luke and his mates when we were there. They were rather scary but we all had a good laugh.

Last week at college Jazz bought a tea leaf reading set, it included a special cup and saucer which both had lots of symbols on, and a book telling you what everything meant. I had my tea leaves read and quite worryingly it showed a pram…maybe I should get back in touch with Claire.

My family hasn’t had the best of luck just lately. My cousin who works at an estate agents was on her way to viewing a property when a car bumped into the back of hers, after exchanging insurance details she carried on but being in such a hurry she got stopped by the police for speeding, seeing that she was quite shaken up the police decided to let her off. They say these things happen in threes, when she got to the property, she was crossing the road and she was hit by a car, luckily she wasn’t badly hurt.

A few days later my aunt crashed her car and hurt her back, luckily it wasn’t that badly hurt.

The whole college thing is more or less taking over so I’m going to apologize in advance for the lack of blogs over the next few weeks.

Currently listening to: Distophia - Children Know The Score (Video)

Monday, May 09, 2005

They Both Have Brand New Cars…

I’ll start this blog the same way I start every blog - by apologising for not updating it for a while.

Not a great deal has happened really, just college and the usual shite. As it’s been a fortnight since my last blog I’ll just give you the highlights.

We all went for a Chinese buffet, I discovered that crispy won tons are not a very good starter, especially when you have about 6 of them.

The weather got warmer, and then colder.

Gaz got a new car, it was a Mondeo, with 4 wheels, a boot and it was green.

Gaz's new car.

We went to Kate and Claire’s housewarming party, we didn’t know anyone there and were introduced as ‘Carl’s friends’, after a barbeque done by a pyromaniac and having the decent music turned off and Atomic Kitten put on with cheers of ‘Woo, this is more like it’ we decided to leave.

Oh what an atmosphere I love a party with a happy atmosphere.

Gemma got a new car, it is a pretty, shiny, blue Saxo. It’s her 2nd car in as many months.

Gemma's new car "It kick's Gaz's ass"

Started having business practice at college, it really is the most boring thing ever.

Went to see Distophia play at the jug of ale, they were rather good and played Joanne this time too.

Tight sweater, Tight sweater.

Only 4 weeks left at college, I have shit loads to do and absolutely no motivation.

I’m off to the pub!

Currently listening to: Funeral For A Friend - Streetcar