Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Why do I only find out about Kerrang radio now? If you don't know about it yet and your in the Midlands its on 105.2 FM and is ad free at the moment too with is pretty cool!
Talking about ad free, notice anything different? Look harder!...still cant see it? The blogspot thing from the tops has vanished!
I did some hair photography on Monday, we did some in the studio then some fashion shots outside, I had to hold a black backdrop against a tree but could only hold it from behind the tree with my arms around it, the shouts of 'tree hugger' weren't helping me at all and the fact that more people were photographing me hugging a tree than they were of the model was worse!

currently listening to: Dangermouse - The Grey Album

Saturday, May 22, 2004

Went to the Chinese state circus last night, if you haven't been yet it's well worth going, it's all very impressive! When I got home I was tempted to try one of the things they did by balancing 8 chairs on top of each other, I could only find 3 chairs and was very tired so I gave up!
I wish the weather would make it's mind up, I think we all should play the polyphonic spree really loud and then maybe the sun will come out and everyone will put white robes on and start dancing and being happy! ...on the other hand maybe not!

currently listening to: Reuben - Freddy Krueger

Friday, May 21, 2004

Yeah, so if you hadn't already noticed everything's changed, I was told that green was fashionable so I started panicking a bit!
Everything's more or less the same as it was before, I now have a tacky counter thingy on the right, should be interesting!
I'm hoping to update this more often now too, it's going to be fun!
As Mr. Robert Zimmerman himself once said: "The times they are a-changin'"
Oh crap! I was meant to hand in my coursework an hour ago!


Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Bloody 'ell it's hot today!!!
I've had to do some random photos just lately, firstly homebase where the security guard thought we were terrorists and almost tried pepperspraying us, then last weekend I was taking photos of Hobbitts at Sarehole Mill, and today I was taking photos of Chinese contortionists at the circus, I dread to think what will be next!

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

...Slight problem...
After having my super-hero plan all set out and ready to take place I found out that 'Dolphin Man' already existed, I found this site so had to think of an alternative, so 'Pigeon Man' it is then! Spreading disease and defecating on people from great heights!

…maybe not then!