Oops! I’ve been meaning to update this damn thing for days now, so I'm going to be quick and get it all over with.
2 Fridays ago I went to see Saw with Adam, Carl and Jo - who had come back for the weekend - I was expecting the film to be a big steaming pile of horse poo but it was actually really good and if you haven’t seen it yet I advise you do so. After the film we went back to Jo’s house and watched Raising Arizona, it was a really good film and I’m thinking of buying the DVD of it, I loved this one line in it where this bloke goes into the shop to hold it up and says to the man working there:
“do these balloons blow up into those funny shapes?”
“not unless there’s something funny about a circle”
…well I found it funny!
The next day I went to the Flapper and then onto the Academy with Carl, Gemma and Helen, on the way to the Flapper this weird and possibly drunk Irish bloke started harassing me for money, I gave my usual ‘I need to use a cash machine’ excuse before he pointed out that I was stood right next to one, in the end after fearing losing an eye or something worse I gave him £1 just to leave me alone, he then got less threatening and started saying I was a good man and something about heaven or Devon or something and then he moved onto Carl and tried the same thing on him.
The Flapper was full of the usual underage CKY fans, and even had a decorative puddle of vomit by the downstairs toilet, after a while we decided to move on to the Academy, when we were leaving the Flapper we heard several bangs which we just assumed were fireworks, the next day on the news I found out that they were gunshots.
I got into the Academy for free because it was my birthday weekend, by the time we got there I was already exhausted and really wanted a sit down, it must be my old age.
On the way back we had a retard of a taxi driver, I’m sure he was drunk, he kept talking crap in a foreign language and clapping his hands, he then drove us to Selly Oak which he thought was Solihull, after redirecting him towards Solihull he tuned to Gemma and said “Zobba?”, Gemma then says “I’m sorry but I don’t know what that is!”. When we finally got back to Solihull he tried to charge us about £20 but we paid £15 and said we weren’t paying any more than that.
Last Monday was my 23rd birthday I got woken up very early because my mum wanted to say happy birthday to me, after a strong black coffee and a few minutes to refocus I opened my presents and cards, my sister got me some expensive shower gel, my mum and dad got me a digital camera (which came with a free APS camera) and some chocolates.
I spent the whole day wandering around the house trying to photograph my cats before giving up and photographing my CDs instead, in the evening I was going to see the Holiday Plan at Bar Academy but I was so tired that I slept on the settee until late.

The next day I had college, it was ok, I decided for my next project that I’ll be doing band photography which should be fun, after college Ashley found a polystyrene head and a toilet and had an idea for her next photo shoot which I found rather funny.
Wednesday I went to the pub quiz at the Red Lion in Knowle with Adam, Bobby and Andy, Adam called the team ‘8 balls’ it took me a good few minutes to work out why but as soon as Andy worked it out he had to go and draw a vulgar diagram on the answer sheet.
Friday I had college again, I’ve had to start doing web design again which is a pain in the ass because I did a course in web design a few years ago, although Larrie - who is my tutor for both photography and web design - was studying web design on the same course as me a few years ago which is a bit weird.
After college I decided to spend a bit of my birthday money, I bought Blondie and Morrissey’s greatest hits albums from the sale in HMV and then had a bacon cheeseburger from McDonalds which was yummy!
Yesterday my dad came up for the day, we went for a meal at the ‘refurbished’ White Swan in Wythall, it looked exactly the same as before apart from a slightly different bar. In the evening I went to the pub quiz at the Fieldhouse with Adam, Carl, Ralph and Kirsty. We didn’t win even though Caroline was marking our answer sheets, I think Ralph’s idea of calling our team ’With Caroline marking the whole quiz has gone to pot’ maybe wasn’t such a good idea.
Today I’ve been rather lazy really, I came online to find that someone had added me to their MSN, I didn’t recognise the e mail address but I added them anyway, this afternoon they logged on, it turned out to be Ruth who’s phone number I had lost and hadn’t seen or spoken to for years.
College tomorrow…I need to find a skeleton!
currently listening to:
Hell Is For Heroes - KamichiGemma is currently listening to:
Atomic Kitten - The Tide Is HighMr High-Speed Garage is currently listening to:
Some Mary J Blige shite