I Bet That You Look Good On The Dance Floor…
I haven’t updated my blog in almost a month due to being busy with college etc. I’m probably not going to be able to blog as often as I did until the end of May because of getting work done, keep checking back though as I’m sure to have something to say soon.
Anyway, here’s a quick(ish) recap of the past month.
My college work is going better than it was a year ago. Most of my photography work is now finished, I just have one thing to do in the studio and then all the other stuff is location work and written stuff, then it’ll all be finished. It took me a while to get back in the swing of things after being ill, I’d be going into college late, feeling ill and coming home again. In the end Ziggy had a word with me and it made me realize that I’m not doing myself any favours by being late or not turning up. I also now feel a bit more positive about my work, I was looking for the Solihull College website the other day and they have one of my photos on their homepage.

We got to the church just in time, the wedding was really nice and Ralph and Kirstie both looked really good. Kirstie’s dad provided us with a laugh after missing his seat and landing on the floor, hopefully somebody got it on video. We had to do loads of singing, one of the songs was a song we used to have to sing back in primary school called ‘shine Jesus shine’, unfortunately though the vicar thought he was on X-factor and was trying to out-sing everybody else.
In the evening Adam and I went to the reception at the Abbey hotel, (not) in Redditch. We’d been told it was in Redditch at first so we headed over there only to find out that it was actually somewhere else nowhere near Redditch. After getting lost we met up with Carl and followed him there…to Redditch.

After a while and a few drinks, I realized that all that dancing and alcohol had taken its toll, luckily we were all heading off anyway so I just had enough time to hug the toilet bowl quickly on the way out.
…I told you I don’t do dancing.