On the Buses…
So this week has been slightly more exciting so far, I stayed in all of Saturday but Gemma came round on Sunday and we went for a McDonalds, we drove past this woman who stands outside Dillon’s and goes “gotta fag?”, Gemma dared me to walk past her and tell her that smoking is bad for her health and that she should quit but when we turned round she had walked off.
Monday I got up and decided to watch an episode off my sister’s Little Britain DVD, after 4 episodes Gemma came round and we went for a quick McDonalds. In the evening I went to the plough with Adam, Gaz and Carl, it was ok. Adam has started a one month ban from playing on the X-Box, it’ll be interesting to see if he can last the whole month.
The next day I had college in the morning, I went into Solihull first to get some film, it came to £15 in total even with staff discount which pissed me off a bit because I was thinking it would be about £8. When I got to college I was told that I cant now use my 120 film to redo my Waitrose photos and that it had to be on 5x4 which I hate as it takes all day to do, it took me 3 hours to take 4 photos plus I had no lunch and hardly any sleep so I decided to head off home.
When I got to the bus stop I could see there was some sort of commotion going on, some kid had driven his scooter thingy into the front of a bus and got his front wheel stuck. This kid was going mad and was trying to hit the bus driver, eventually the wheel became free and he drove off as the police were coming.
My bus then came and as we turned round the corner some stupid school kid threw a stone at the bus, the bus stopped and the driver started yelling at this kid because he did the same thing the day before. The kid ignored him and carried on walking, so this big black bloke on the bus got up and said “I’m going to floor him!”, he walked up to this kid and got in his face then bought him back to the bus where the driver called the police and we had to all wait there until they arrived.
When the bus started moving again another kid threw a stone at the bus, thankfully the driver ignored it.
When I finally got home I fell straight to sleep in the chair. In the evening I went to Ralph’s new house with Adam, Gaz and Carl, it was a really nice modern maisonette in Minworth, overlooking the canal. Adam was still on his X-Box ban so he was sat there reading a book on Discworld while we played on Halo 2.

Gaz at Ralph's house
Wednesday I had college again, I slept through 2 alarms and woke up at 9, I had to be at college at 9:30. When I got to college I helped Claire with her 5x4 and then scanned in some negatives, I missed lunch again and was really hungry.
Gemma had the day off work so she met me from college and we went into Birmingham. When we got there Gemma bought ‘Ass Cobra’ by Turbonegro, a skirt and a Motorhead t-shirt, then we headed off to the actress and bishop. On the way there Gemma dared me to go into the Kerrang building and ask for free stuff, I walked in and expecting to get pepper sprayed managed to get 8 car window stickers and 5 badges.
Tonight we’re going to see Hell Is For Heroes at the Academy, it should be really good, I’m hoping to take lots of photos and get my ticket signed again. Yay!
Currently listening to: Biffy Clyro - Eradicate The Doubt
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