Sunday, January 09, 2005

Motivation Such An Aggravation…

So it’s a new year full of new starts and all that, so I made a list of new years resolutions:
Stop drinking
Eat healthily
Be on time for college

Get a job
Be more focused with my college work

2 out of 5 have been broken already, so now I have to find a job and get some bloody work done quickly before I have to cross them off the list too.

So I went back to college last Monday, I was late which wasn’t a very good start to the new year, we were told that we now have deadlines to get our work in by, then we were told that our essay proposal forms in by next Monday (tomorrow) - I need to think of something to do quick!

Me, Jazz and Ashley left early to go to the ‘library’ for a few ‘books’, when we got into Solihull we had a Subway, I hadn’t had a Subway in ages and forgotten how much I like them, I think they can count as eating healthily.

After looking round a few shops I bought Songs For The Deaf by Queens Of The Stone Age and a book on 20th Century Photography, it was quite a rude book, but all the naked people were uglies so it counts as ‘art’.

We then went into Jessops, Ashley bought a new digital SLR, it was very expensive and fancy, so to celebrate we went to the ‘library’, the first ‘library’ we went into was the Weatherspoons, as we sat down this random alcoholic from Wolverhampton sat with us, he started telling us about Maradona, Mike Tyson being in debt and Michael Jackson.

At this point he had already got through 2 ‘books’ about Guinness and we’d only been sat down for a few minutes, he then started telling us about how his wife has left him and how he threw his platinum wedding ring in the bin, he looked like he was either about to cry or kill us all, luckily he got up to go to the toilet so we finished ’reading our books’ and made a run for it.

On the way out we bumped into him:
“your not going already are you?”
“um…yeah look at the time, we have to meet….um…thingy”
“oh…ok…well I’m going to be in here for the rest of the day”

…We went into the Hog’s Head next door.

When we sat down we started to look at Ashley’s new camera, it was very good, and she even did her flash blur project while we were in there of me ‘reading’.

Wednesday I had college again, not much happened really, I fell asleep at one point (again) but hopefully nobody noticed.

Thursday was boring.

Friday I had college again, with any luck I should be going to New York at the beginning of March, I also found this pretty cool website called AdBusters it’s worth a look at, it’s very interesting especially the spoof adverts at the bottom.

The weekend was boring, I had no money, not even any bus fare. Grr! I really should get a job, well maybe a student loan will suffice.

currently listening to:
Blink 182 - Dammit
Gemma is currently listening to: Vanilla Ice - Ice Ice baby


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