For Days And Days And Days And Days And Days And Days And Days And Days And Days And Days And Days And Days And Days And Days And Days And Years...
3 weeks!…3 weeks and no blog, I should be ashamed I really should but I can explain…
2 days after my last blog I suddenly developed a tickly cough out of nowhere, I thought nothing of it until the next day when I realized that I had a chest infection and my temperature was all over the place. As the day went by I just kept getting worse, I was aching all over and I knew that this wasn’t just a chest infection but proper flu. I needed to act fast and do what I needed to do before I started to get worse…
…so I got online and ordered a bunch of DVDs…no wait, there is a logical explanation for that - you see once again we forgot to pay the cable bill and we knew that if it wasn’t paid by the Monday it would be cut off, therefore with no TV, internet or phone I needed something to watch while I was ill. I ordered Garden State, Sin City and Chasing Amy, they were all going for about a fiver in the sale so it would have been stupid not to really.
As I battled with the flu and with boredom eventually the cable was back on and I got lured into the world of Celebrity Big Brother. I’m not ashamed to admit that sometimes I do like to watch Big Brother…but it’s not such a good idea when you watch it all day with the flu…especially when you can be delirious.
I can’t explain exactly what happened, I went to bed and dreamt that I was in the Big Brother house and Ozzy Osbourne was going to be coming in…but that’s where it gets a bit weird and everything just went on a constant loop, I ended up having the same dream about 100 times and woke up in the morning thinking I’d gone mad, I came downstairs to have a drink and take my mind off it only to find my mum sat in the lounge watching Big Brother on TV, I so very nearly screamed.
After about 2 weeks the flu started to go but my chest infection still lurks, I should really see the doctor I guess.
Anyway, what else has happened?…
Oh yeah, I needed a new game to play on Xbox live so I decided to go for a game I was good at…something I’ve hardly ever lost a game of…Tony Hawk’s American Wasteland! I’ve only ever lost a game of that once and that was due to the control pad, not me…honest. When I got the game I had a bit of practice and then had a go online, straight off a managed a 35,000 point combo - brilliant! By the end of the round I checked my score, I had about 150,000 I was dead chuffed until I checked everyone else’s scores…2,000,000...8,000,000...12,000,000. Maybe I’m not as good as I thought but I will beat them, oh yes, I WILL beat them!
I think that’s about it for this blog, I won’t leave you with a video this time but with a couple of blogs to check out, make sure you read Gemma’s blog and when you’ve finished reading that, have a look at Lank’s blog.
I’m going to eat now…
…What’s a Nubian?
Hey John thanks for the advert, but just out of interest, the amount of money you spent paying for the DVDs/Games, would have probably covered the cable bill or at least half of it!
Sorry to burst your bubble but it does kinda make sense to your local lawyer!
Yeah, I should have made that a bit clearer - it was my sister that was meant to be paying the bill but she kept saying she'll pay it later...obviously by later she meant not at all.
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