Under A Blood Red Sky, A Crowd Has Gathered, Black And White...
Happy Christmas!…yeah sorry about the slight delay there, I guess I should tell you all about the past week.
Well Christmas morning came and we all got up at about 8ish, I say all of us - my mum was working that night so she didn’t get home until about 8:15. After a quick cup of coffee we started unwrapping presents, I had a new stereo for my room because I had my old stereo when I first started Woodrush, so when I say old I really mean old. My dad got me a nice big bottle of Jack Daniel’s in a leather box, the only problem was that the security tag was still on it. Luckily everyone was quite happy with their presents, I got my mum a George Foreman grill, my dad had an MP3 player and my sister had a box of various different perfumes.
Because my mum was working the night before she then had to go to bed which meant that me and my dad were in charge of the turkey, all we had to do was turn it down at 1:45…
…2:20…“The turkey smells nice…shit!”

My dad went home on the Wednesday, I think he looking forward to setting up his new computer, in fact I’m surprised he hasn’t phoned me yet asking for help, I might give him a quick rind after I write this.

Yesterday was new year’s eve, I’m not such a big fan of seeing the new year in anymore, firstly to get in at most places you have to pre-book and pay £10 to get in anywhere, then once you’re in you have to wait half an hour at the bar before you get served, then once you’re served you don’t even get a seat, all this on top of the shite music (Europe - the final countdown, Right Said Fred - I’m too sexy, Scissor Sisters, etc.), the crowds and the taxi home which costs nearly £20…and yet people say that it’s ‘all part of the fun!’…that’s certainly not my idea of fun!
I prefer to just spend my new year’s eve at home with friends and family, although saying that my mum got drunk and started calling the year ‘nineteen-hundred and six’, then when my phone went just after singing Auld Lang Syne my mum says ‘Perhaps that’s Chloe’, despite the fact that I haven’t spoken to her or even spoken of her in over a year, good to see that the words of Auld Lang Syne had some effect then.
So now it’s 2007, I’m hoping it’ll be a lot better than 2006, I’m hoping to look back on this post in a year’s time and be able to laugh at how much things have changed since then.
…Should auld acquaintance be forgot and…what are the words?
Just for you...
Should auld acquaintance be forgot
and never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot
and days of auld lang syne?
For auld lang syne, my dear,
for auld lang syne,
we'll take a cup of kindness yet,
for auld lang syne.
Should auld acquaintance be forgot
and never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot
and days of auld lang syne?
And here's a hand, my trusty friend
And gie's a hand o' thine
We'll tak' a cup o' kindness yet
For auld lang syne
I'm sorry but you can't beat the cheesy music at new years, Europe with "Final Countdown" yes it's over used at New years,but hey everyones to drunk to notice and they still sing along.
And what's wrong with Scissor Sisters?
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