Mow, Mow, Mow The Lawn, do de do do do...
The sun came out for all of 5 minutes today so I thought I'd try and mow the lawn, due to the crap weather and the fact that I've been buried alive by coursework over the past few months the lawn got a bit neglected and was over a foot long!
It was really difficult to cut and the lawnmower was making a noise like it was about to blow up which is never a good sign, but I never knew mowing the lawn could be so fun! First of all when I had done the one side of the garden I pulled the extension lead to the side out of the way and as I looked up there was someone's cat sat next to the lead, the wire went flying towards this cat so it jumped backwards and hit the shed which I'm sure if I caught it on video and sent it off to Jeremy Beadle I'd be £250 richer now and all my problems would be solved!
Also as I was nearly finished this cloud of white powder appeared, I stood there in absolute shock wondering what on Earth had just happened when I saw a piece of cellophane on the floor, I looked at it and it said 'Surf', then as the smell of lemon freshness filled the garden I realized I had mowed over a washing up tablet which had been randomly placed on the lawn!
Everyone went to see Spiderman 2 last night but due to my broke-ness I stayed at home and started downloading it off Winmx...It's still downloading now!
currently listening to: The Cranberries - Zombie
Gemma is currently listening to: So Solid Crew - 21 Seconds
Mr High-Speed Garage is currently listening to: Some Usher shite
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