Monday, July 19, 2004

Wake Up Wake Up Wake Up!!!...

ARG!!!!!!! What do you have to do for a decent nights sleep round here?
After being woken up early on Sunday morning by Mr High-Speed Garage I went to bed last night hoping for a good sleep but I'm kept awake by somebody's car alarm which goes off all night long! And the chances of catching up with any sleep are slim now because Mr High-Speed Garage has got his 'Pure R n' B' blasting out for the world to hear!
Maybe I should sue him for ...being noisy or something, but as I type this Mrs High-Speed Garage has come out and is yelling at him for sleeping with her mum or something, I hope they go on Trisha!
I need to get out the house, all this job searching is so tedious, the highlight of my day so far has been the phone ringing this morning and it was my uncle asking for Ian, I think he had me mistaken for my cousin, although it's on a par with the sausage roll I had for lunch!

currently listening to: The Ordinary Boys - Talk Talk Talk
Gemma is currently listening to: Cartoons - Witch Doctor
Mr High-Speed Garage is currently listening to: Some R n' B shite


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