Is It Summer Yet? Coz I Just Don't Feel It...
It's July! It's meant to be sunny! It isn't! What's up with that?
I'm still catching up with sleep from the holiday but it's taking longer than I thought, I've spent the majority of this week in the land of nod although on Monday I went to see Shrek 2 which rocked the casbah good and proper! I'm now broke so I'm going to have to find a job and sell my car too so if anyone is interested in buying a black g reg 1.4 Fiesta let me know!
Have you ever drank so much that afterwards you wandered what you must have done when drunk?
Gaz, here's your answer:

Happy 19th birthday Jo!
We're all going for a chinese at Shirley Temple now so smell you later!
currently listening to: The Offspring - Why Don't You Get A Job?
Gemma is currently listening to: Fast Food Rockers - The Fast Food Song
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