Friday, December 30, 2005

So This Is Christmas...

I didn’t go to the quiz that evening after all that. Just after I posted my last blog I noticed that Sophie - my cat, was acting a bit weird. She was limping around the lounge and then started to have some sort of fit, I phoned my mum to tell her I was worried so she got on the next bus to come home. I’m not going into much detail here because it was quite disturbing and I’m still quite upset by it, but when my mum got home we got Sophie into a pet carrier and headed off to the vet. When we got there the vet looked at her and told us she’d had a heart attack and was dying, we chose to have her put to sleep. She was 14 and we’d had her 11 years, it seems strange not to have her around and we all really miss her.

This is the 3rd Christmas in a row that something horrible has happened at Christmas, I feel like taking all the decorations down and forgetting about it. We decided though not to let it ruin Christmas and to try and enjoy ourselves.

My dad came up on Christmas eve, it had been 2 months since I last saw him and he helped us to take our minds off what had happened. On Christmas morning we all came downstairs half asleep to open presents and stuff, I got an X-Box which I’m chuffed to bits about, I also got Forza Motor Sport, Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic Heroes to play on it. My sister got me Extras and Max and Paddy on DVD (which I still haven’t got round to watching yet). Luckily everyone was pleased with what I got them, I gave my mum that Cup of Destiny book with some packets of loose tea, I gave my dad the Carol Vorderman Sudoku DVD and I got my sister the NME essential bands CD.

That evening we all sat down to play my sister’s Countdown game that she had for Christmas, my mum had a ‘bit’ to drink so she was complaining that we weren’t shuffling the cards properly so she shuffled them and spent ages setting them all up only for Pixie to jump onto the table and knock my sister’s glass of wine over spilling it all over the table and soaking all of the cards. My dad was creased up laughing which got me laughing too, although I wasn’t aware of the wine running down the edge of the table and onto my lap, it’s probably one of those things which you had to see to find it funny.

My dad went home on Tuesday, I probably wont see him again until May now, although I think I’ll make more of an effort to go and visit him in the new year.

I’ve ordered Halo 2 off which should be here any day now, I need some practice on it badly, Adam and Gareth just kick my ass at it.

I need something to do for new years eve, help me out someone, I cant stay in for new years, so far its either this or sitting at my nan’s house eating grapes.


At Sunday, 01 January, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

bash dik up d wall tramp

At Sunday, 01 January, 2006, Blogger John said...

Learn to spell, retard!

You could at least have had the guts to say who you are, that is if you know how to spell your own name.

At Sunday, 01 January, 2006, Blogger Gareth said...

Is "Anonymous" having a go at you, or is he just listing his hobbies?

At Wednesday, 04 January, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

no i wudnt even bother listin my hobbiez on ere u fuckin dik bash..hez rare knockin on ma door for dik exercizez hez a fukin tramp if ya ent noticed all ready..u fukin put ur family to shame..u kno wot lozer ope someting real bad happenz 2 u..

At Wednesday, 04 January, 2006, Blogger John said...

Ok, I've come to the conclusion that your either:
a.) A retard
b.) A chav
or c.) Both

I'm going to disable anonymous comments unless that dickhead says who he really is and learns to spell properly.

I think his lack of grammar is worse than his bite.


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