What Are You Complaining For? You Don't Have To Wait In Line At Disneyland...
Ok so this blog is going to be huge, I have so much stuff to cover so I’d better hurry up and start…
Right, well last Tuesday I received something in the post, it was a sexy half gig of RAM for my computer because it was being slower than death, I’d have to install it all by myself and seeing as I knew absolutely nothing about this sort of thing I was worried I’d bugger it up. I opened up the case of my computer and read that all I had to do was slot the memory into place…easy! After pushing it into place and giving it a hefty thump after it got jammed I set it all back up and it worked perfectly. I can now not only open Photoshop without having to wait about half an hour for it to load, but I can use iTunes at the same time.
Wednesday was valentines day, I wasn’t really bothered much by it…until I found a card waiting for me in the porch…
“To John,
You’re too sexy for your shirt.
From ? xxx”
…this could be from just about anyone! Although I’m 99% sure I know who sent it…very funny! Payback’s a bitch.
On Friday me Adam and Gaz had planned to visit Carl in Plymouth. I needed to sort out what I was taking and seeing as the tumble dryer was broken it meant drying everything by radiator. After 8 hours they were finally dry and I could start sorting everything out. We started out at about 7:30 in the evening and should have got to Plymouth for about 11, but after a slight ‘detour’ and the decision that Gaz should invest in a Sat-Nav we got there for 11:30.
On the way there we were all starving so we decided to stop at some services for a bite to eat, luckily there was a Wimpy so we went in there and queued up. As we were queuing I was trying to remember the last time I went to a Wimpy, it must have been back when I was living in Bournemouth and a homeless guy walked in as I was eating my burger and shat himself. I went to place my order and I noticed that a meal was £6.25, this was for a cheeseburger, fries and a drink, for that price I’d expect it served in a golden napkin and the fries to have magical properties, in reality they didn’t give me a napkin and the fries were a bit overdone, no wonder Wimpy is more or less extinct.
So yeah, back to the story. We got to Carl’s house and made ourselves at home, after being shown around and being told which toilet NOT to use we went on the Gamecube before deciding that sleep would be a better idea.
That night I was sleeping on the floor, I can normally sleep just about anywhere but that night I just couldn’t sleep, I kept waking up every few minutes and turning over to get the feeling back in my leg, eventually it was morning and new adventures await.

We headed to the same Indian restaurant that we went to last time we were there…yes THAT restaurant! I felt like telling them that it was Carl’s birthday a few weeks before but I wouldn’t be that cruel to let the waiters sing all 57 verses of happy birthday to him. After our meals we were all getting tired, we went for a couple of drinks in the voodoo lounge and weirdly enough they played the whole of The Arcade Fire’s album again just like the last time we were there. At about midnight we headed back to Carl’s place again to get some well deserved sleep, luckily this time I slept really well.
In the morning we got our things together, waved Carl goodbye and headed home, we deliberately avoided Wimpy this time, despite the traffic being really bad the journey took 4 hours just like last time.
On Monday I woke up from possibly the most comfortable night’s sleep ever and walked up to Sainsbury’s to get something I’d been looking forward to for almost 6 months…Clerks 2 on DVD. This means that now I really do have all of Kevin Smith’s films on DVD (except Jersey Girl of course…but we don’t talk about that).
That night I went to the Woodman’s with Gaz, Adam and Marcus. I hadn’t been there since last summer and not only did it make a change to go there, but it wasn’t smokey either so hopefully we‘ll be going there a bit more often.
Yesterday was signing on day again, while I was waiting for them to call my name there was this guy sitting opposite me also waiting to sign on, he kept playing some game on his phone which seemed rather odd, but after I left the job centre I saw him getting into a Hotpoint van and drive off…the cheeky bastard, I felt like walking back in and telling them…but nah, I couldn’t be bothered, so I went home instead.
Last night I went to the cinema with Adam and Gaz to see Hot Fuzz, it was pure brilliance! If you haven’t yet seem it then I urge you to go immediately…I mean, finish reading this first and then go…
…Did he mean me or that?
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