Story Of The Year...
Well its 2006, so a happy new year to all of you, I was thinking of doing a kind of review of 2005 but looking back I’ve missed a few things out either through forgetfulness or laziness, so I’ll tell you about them instead.
In May I had my Bullring photo in the British Journal of Photography, it was only part of an advert for the college but I was quite proud to be able to pick the magazine up and say “You see that photo there? Well I took that”, I searched high and low for a copy but couldn’t find it anywhere, it must have sold out.
In June I went to Dudley Zoo for the day with Chloe, we spent all day taking the piss out of Dr. Dudley and searching for the creperie (that’s pancakes before anybody says anything), although the highlight of the day had to be seeing this little girl throwing glasses at these birds that were walking around the grounds trying to kill them.
In July you probably heard about the tornado in Moseley, well it was in the same road where my sister works, she said it went pitch black outside for a few seconds so everybody went outside to see what was going on, that when they saw the tornado, my sister said that she could feel it pulling on her clothes. Working in a glass factory though they all had to take cover somewhere safe, when it cleared my sister organised Sky News to come in and film the footage off someone’s phone.
I’m sure I’ll think of something else the moment I’ve posted this blog so keep checking just in case.
Anyway, last night was new years eve and I wasn’t eating grapes at my nan’s house after all, Adam was meant to be going to London but after a heavy nights drinking the night before and a rail strike he decided to go to the drawbridge instead.
Stuart, Amy, and 2 of Stuart’s friends were coming too so we all met up at Stuart’s house and walked to the drawbridge from there. When we got there we queued up at the bar for a good 20 minutes before finding a patch of floor to stand on for the next 3 hours. Just after we claimed our patch I heard someone calling my name and tapping me on the back, it was Claire from college, she was there with some of her friends but had to leave early, I had a feeling I'd see her in there.
I didn’t like where I was stood, every 2 seconds people were trying to get past with drinks and I really needed a sit down, it must be my old age. As we got nearer to midnight people were getting drunker and all the ugly people started dancing, on man who was about 5ft tall started dancing with a woman who looked like miss piggy dressed as a hooker, he started undressing and dirty dancing with her, it wasn’t a pretty sight.
After the DJ was done singing all his Frank Sinatra and UB40 he played one last song before we counted down to midnight, unfortunately he didn’t judge the length of the track so we all saw the new year in at 2 minutes past midnight, I seem to remember the same thing happening there a few years ago too.
After midnight we all drank up and headed back to Stuart’s house where they got the karaoke machine out and sang a drunken version of ‘You’ve Lost That Loving Feeling’ by the Righteous Brothers. People kept reminding me of new years eve a few years ago when I walked into the cupboard thinking it was the toilet before (thankfully) being stopped, I was hoping people would have had forgotten about that by now.
Towards the end of the night (and after a bit of Dutch courage) I did a bit of karaoke, I cant remember what it was I sang, I think it was clips of different songs but I do remember belting out some Tina Turner at one point, I got a high score for my efforts though which surprised me.
I got a taxi home, it was double fare and ended up costing me £16, which I wasn’t too happy about, but I wished the taxi driver a happy new year anyway - to which he said nothing, so on the way out of the taxi I called him a ‘miserable asshole’.
...Nothing like a bit of festive cheer!
ha ha u bashed dik up dat cuport u wlked in 2 u fukin knob...
If you don't have something intelligent/understandable to say then don't bother saying it.
u fukin tramp no wunder ur single
anonymous is a fucking retard who is obviously obsessed with talking like a botty-bandit and takes huge amounts of pleasure from acting like a cock-sucking fuckwit. I can only hope that he accidentally finds a spare brain cell or does the world a favour by hanging himself with a length of rusty wire. I would gladly pay to watch him tighten the stuff round his neck and jump off a cliff. I hope one day your family regrets having you and that they take great pride in ending your miserable existence by shooting you in the testicles with a nail-gun and throwing your body in to a small ravine. Get a life, you fucked up, small brained, tiny penised, faggot.
fuk dat u fat prik im gnna merk u 2 da ground
Ha Ha Ha... You're going to "merk" me to the ground? What the fuck is that? You can't even speak properly! You're fucked. I'd fucking drop you to the floor like the pussy you are. Your stupid threats just make me laugh. You're a nobody. Just some fucking kid who thinks he's tough just because he can talk trash on a message board over the internet. Just fuck off, you're a walking joke....
u jus go round tinkin ow gd birmzz iz u dnt kno it!!!
ye fat ass try it!
Could you say that again, in English please?
Roughly translated I think what 'anonymous' was trying to say there was:
"Hello there, I know I might just be an illiterate young hoodlum, but I'm trying to make myself sound less homosexual and more threatening, a bit like that Eminem character you see on the telly. I might not be able to read or write but if 50-cent can talk about shooting people while looking like a horse then I should too, I'm bound to be the toughest person in my class if I start acting like that, maybe I'll get laid...just maybe."
I really want to block anonymous comments but this guy is such a pathetic joke it's priceless, it's like he's typing with his elbows.
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