Tuesday, February 06, 2007

You Don't Listen To Me While I Talk To The Wall, This Blanket Is Freezing, It's Been Out In The Hall...

So it’s time for another blog and if you’re still spinning leeks then I urge you to stop, you win.

I’m feeling a lot better about things now, things are starting to look promising job-wise, I’m awaiting an application form in the post about a photography job in Birmingham. I’m not going to say too much in case I jinx it but let’s just say the money is definitely worth getting out of bed for.

Apart from that there isn’t much to tell you. I went to sign on today, it all went rather well, it was a case of sitting down, signing the form and being told to see them next week, I was too tired to start bullshitting about how I trekked the up Himalayas and across the Sahara desert in search of a job.

I then got on the bus to go Shirley, as it stopped outside the college Jo’s friend Sarah got on, after saying a quick ‘hi’ and walking down to the shops I started getting a really bad feeling, you know like something bad was about to happen…

Brush with death No. 1...

I’m about to cross the Stratford Road at the crossing by the police station, an old woman is already stood there waiting for the lights to change so she can cross. As the lights change a big 4x4 stops in the lane nearest us and for some reason which I still can’t work out something caught my eye before I crossed and I stopped for about a second. As I turned back round the woman was nearly halfway across the road so I paced across only for a car in the other lane to just plough through the lights, I quickly pulled the old woman back as the car missed us by literally inches. I was slightly shocked but the old woman was swearing her tits off at the car that nearly hit her.

I needed to get to Staples so I carried on walking down the Stratford Road, when I got there I needed a portfolio and some sleeves to go inside, at this point I was too hungry and tired to care about the price so I just picked up the first one I found, paid for it and buggered off.

Brush with death No.2...

In a hurry to get home and wanting to make the most of my daysaver I decided to catch the number 6 bus down the road to my bus stop. The second I came out of staples I saw the number 6. I ran across the car park to get to the bus, there was a car reversing into a parking space but for some reason it shot round the corner right in front of me and parked in another space. Luckily I put my brakes on fast enough to not get a taste of their windscreen, but considering that this was the 2nd time I was almost run over in the past hour you’d think I’d be worried or something…in fact I took a leaf out of the old woman’s book and started yelling at the car for making me miss my bus.

After getting the bus home and walking down my road I heard something *click*…I ignored it and carried on walking…*click* it sounded like a camera’s shutter, I looked around me but I couldn’t see anybody, the more I walked the more it clicked so I ended up running to my house. When I got inside I checked my phone…4 photos of the inside of my pocket about to send to the whole of my address book…When I said I wanted to be taking more photos this wasn’t what I had in mind.

So despite nearly dying…twice it’s not been such a bad week after all, hopefully the week will continue to be this good.

I’ll leave you with something to look forward to that comes out later this year…

…And a flaming chicken!


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