Monday, June 14, 2004

Chad Kroeger and Sarah Jessica Parker...
Never in the same place at the same time!


At Tuesday, 13 September, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

R u being sad 2 Chad Kroeger? If u r, u will need medical help b4 u can use a keyboard again.

At Tuesday, 13 September, 2005, Blogger John said...

Yeah I am actually, I heard their new song today and it made me realize I should be even sadder to him.

At Monday, 10 October, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you peice of dirty shit
i spit on you
wot do u listen to then?
'50 cent'

At Monday, 10 October, 2005, Blogger John said...

Even 50 cent is better than Chad Kroeger.

Spitting is a bad habit, what would your mother say?

At Monday, 10 October, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

u r 22?
I'm only 12 and i kno gud music wen i hear it.

At Monday, 10 October, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

my mom has gone out.

At Monday, 10 October, 2005, Blogger John said...

I'm 24, and at least I know how to spell, try listening to some proper bands, preferably non-canadian ones, I bet you like Hanson too.

I know your mom has gone out, she says 'hi'.

At Monday, 10 October, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can spell exeedingly well thank you.
Who is 'Hanson'?

At Monday, 10 October, 2005, Blogger John said...

...or so you say, pity you can't spell 'exceedingly'.

Hanson were a band from the mid-90's, 3 brothers who all looked like girls.
I'm not sure if they were canadian or not but they look it.

At Monday, 10 October, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I only missed a 'c'

At Monday, 10 October, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyway. As I sed. I am only 12 years old.

At Monday, 10 October, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was the new song 'photograph'?

At Monday, 10 October, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You don't like Evanescence?
What about The Rasmus?
James Blunt?

At Monday, 10 October, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At Tuesday, 11 October, 2005, Blogger John said...

No I dont.



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