Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Licenced To Ill...

So in my last blog I left you with the (fairly shit) cliff-hanger of me waking up with a cold. It was one of those colds where your nose just streams and your head feels like a sponge. I spent that Sunday feeling absolutely awful and had more or less ruled out doing anything that week. The next day however I felt much better and as soon as I left the house it seemed to clear up, which is making me think maybe it was an allergy to dust or the soap powder.

Monday evening we all went bowling, we used to go about twice every week at one point but due to us all being skint/lazy we hadn’t gone in 2 years. We had some pretty close games too, Gaz won the first and Adam won the second, I came 3rd and 2nd which is either due to me getting better at it, or everyone else getting worse.

The next day we did the quiz again, we came 4th so we seem to be improving a little bit more each week, if we keep this up we should be 3rd place next time. *

On Thursday me and Gaz wanted to go somewhere for the day to take photos, we got in the car and then realized we had nowhere to go. We saw a sign for Sarehole Mill, so we decided to go there and look round the mill, however when we got there we read that the mill was closed until Easter so we got back in the car and chose to find somewhere else to go.

I fancied some chocolate so I mentioned Cadbury’s World, after a slight detour we got there and walked in only to find out that it costs £10 to go round so we bought a bar of chocolate and decided to try somewhere else. I remember seeing a Cadbury’s crème egg car last time I was there and was determined to find one but we couldn’t find any, I told Gaz I’d prove that they do exist so here’s my proof.

As we were driving around we saw a sign saying ‘Quadball’, this sounded interesting. Was it paintball? Was it quad biking? Was it paintball on quad bikes? We decided to have a look and see. It turns out to be an indoor paintball, we were shown round and told of some of the different packages you can get, and we’ve pencilled ourselves in for in a few weeks for Gaz’s birthday.

The next day was the last day of half term so me and Gaz went over to Stratford to see how the Shakespeare massive were hanging. When we got there though there was nowhere to park, so while queuing for a car park we saw a little pub where we could park and have a quick beverage. When we went in I had ‘Always Your Way’ by My Vitriol going through my head, the song is 5 years old and very underrated but a brilliant song and worth downloading if you haven’t heard it before. The reason I mention this song is as I sat down with it going through my head they started playing it in the pub, it was an acoustic version but sounded just as good as the original.

On Friday night I bought Battlefield 2 for the X-Box off eBay, it was only £12 and should be here tomorrow (as I’ve been saying all week). If it’s anything like Battlefield 1942 it should be brilliant, we used to spend all our time and money playing 1942 at Fragz, I’ve watched a few videos of it and I cant wait.

On Monday I was back at college, everyone was getting stuff ready for focus but because I had work up last year I’m not having any up this time so I got on with my Flash site, if anyone knows how to do websites in Flash I’d be grateful of the help, it’s impossible!

That night I needed a drink so we decided to try a different pub, we went to the Red Lion in Earlswood, it was £2.90 for a Jack Daniels and coke (it’s £1.75 at the jug), I only had £5.50 on me thinking that would be enough for 2 drinks so I had to try and make my drink last the night. It lasted me about 5 minutes. Now they are banning smoking in pubs watch the price of alcohol go through the roof.

I should be prime minister.

*We did the quiz again last night…we came 10th. So much for my theory.


At Wednesday, 22 February, 2006, Blogger Adam said...

Impressive, how did you get a video on your blog?

At Friday, 23 June, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, Always Your Way is a cracking song, I've got an acoustic version of it somewhere off one of those 'Acoustic' compilation cd's. Whatever happened to My Vitriol?


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