Wednesday, February 01, 2006

I Don't Like Mondays…

So I got Monday over with, I got there at 9am to find that only 2 other people had turned up so far, everybody came in late - much to the delight of Ziggy - my tutor, who has a very short fuse. He showed us some photos he did the night before on Photoshop, they had a kind of kaleidoscope effect and looked really good, after showing us quickly what had to be done he then ‘randomly’ chose someone to show the rest of the group how it’s done, unfortunately being the new face in the group it was me, I did it all ok but I had to stop halfway through while Ziggy shouted at another tutor for using his computer. After that lesson we headed back to the studio for a couple of hours where I backed all my work up on my free iPod (you’re not going to hear the last of this), I then headed off to Solihull to get some films developed. When I collected them they handed me the prints and said:

“I’m really sorry but your film has been double exposed”
“I’m sorry?”
“Oh…um…yeah they’re meant to be like that, I was hoping they’d be double exposed”
“(laughing) Oh, that’s a relief, we were worried about telling you”

These were some experimental long exposures and double exposures that I had been doing over the past few months, some of them came out really really well, but some were just shite. When I got back to college I put some more work on my free iPod (told you) along with some albums that I was after too, we then had web design where we were shoed how to make a website using Flash, unfortunately my tutor didn’t know how to do it so we spent most of the lesson sat round bored while he tried to remember. We finished an hour early but when I got home I was exhausted, thank god I had no plans for Tuesday, I needed a really good sleep.

Tuesday evening we all went to see Underworld Evolution at the cinema, now I wasn’t a fan of the first film so I didn’t have high hopes of the sequel, although I thought I’d give it a go just in case I did like it. As soon as it started though some guy on my left started coughing…and coughing…and coughing, I felt the only way to shut him up would be to kill him but then I thought the blood curdling screams might annoy people even more so I just sat there and had to put up with it. I didn’t think too much of this film, if you hadn’t seen the first one then this will just confuse the hell out of you.

Friday I was back at college, nobody could really get into doing any work though, we all seemed a bit too lethargic and wanted to get the day over with. That was until Jim disappeared for a few minutes then returned singing ‘I have cocaine on the brain’ at the top of his voice in the film developing room. As we headed off to the canteen he told us about this girl he was seeing who likes to…powder her nose a lot. We grabbed something to eat and found Jim chatting these 2 girls up, neither looked too impressed and both left, then he started yelling at this young couple kissing on the other side of the canteen and then shouting (with a police woman stood a few feet away from us) that all the police seem to do all day is eat and go to the toilet. This was turning into a bit of a nightmare as more and more passers by were being commented on either their arse or the way they were dressed. We headed back to the studio realizing that he’d also been powdering his nose only for him to lock himself in the film loading room which is pitch black and can’t be opened from the outside unless you have the key, he was so off his tits that he couldn’t opened the door, so we left him in there for a while to calm down before letting him out using the key.

At the weekend I was expecting this guy to come and buy my car so I had to stay in, the only problem was he didn’t turn up, he had my number but the number he gave me was the wrong one. I’m still stuck with this bloody car, I wish some chav would just steal it…if it would work.

Monday I was back at college, we started at 9 again only for Ziggy to look surprised that we turned up, he thought we had gone somewhere on a trip, so he had nothing planned for the lesson, which suited me because my brain was still waking up. In the afternoon we had web design, we had to do some more work on a flash site but due to the lack of computers I had to just watch, I couldn’t take it all in and started to fall asleep. Luckily I don’t think anybody noticed…unless I started snoring.

One more thing before I finish this blog off, I’ve found out who ‘Anonymous’ is. It’s this retarded chav kid who claims to be from Spain (although I’m sure it’s Birmingham) with an unhealthy obsession with gays and penises and even went to the effort of making me a (badly made) website of photos of me off here saying such phrases as ‘I suk dik’ and ‘I fukd my sista last nite’. This kid even added me to msn the other night claiming it was someone else but used the same retarded spelling mistakes as ‘Anonymous’ and ended the converstation with 'PeAcE -1-'. This kid really is one sorry excuse for a human being and their attempts at spelling and grammar are almost as pathetic as they are.

PeAcE oUt...



At Wednesday, 01 February, 2006, Blogger John said...

Sorry your holiness, but I managed to get the website stopped before too many people could see it.
I don't know what the people of the Vatican would have made of such appalling grammer.

At Tuesday, 14 February, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hA hA i agEeE wIt yA PoPeMoStHiGh aNyhoWz -1-


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